2018. október 8., hétfő

This Is Us 3x02 A Philadelphia Story

The Pearsons are back! And for some reason I feel really optimistic about this season. I know that we ended things last spring with some pretty difficult cliffhangers that foreshadow dark things ahead, but for me the one big hurdle that made me almost anxious before watching every episode is finally out of the way : Jack is dead. I mean, he’s really dead this time. We saw it, we cried, we never have to worry about „Will this be the episode where Jack dies? Oh god, I can’t watch this.” ever again. It’s kinda like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and now I can just watch the show, like a normal person. Yay!

Of course, it wouldn’t be This Is Us if it didn’t try to distress me in some way at least every other episode, and this premiere alone packed a lot of punches. So to recap that finale, we saw a whole slew of flashbacks at the end: Kevin was travelling to Vietnam with his new girlfriend, Beth’s cousin. Toby was in the middle of a serious depressive episode. And, of course, Randall and an adult Tess were getting ready to see „her”… the question that troubled fans the most over the summer break. Who is she? Beth? Annie? Déja? Rebecca? All valid and acceptable guesses, and two episodes into season 3 we’re only slightly closer to the solution. The only hint we have is a phone call Old Randall makes to Old Toby about how she would like to see him so won’t he come down to them. This suggests that Kate would be the obvious solution, which makes me think it’s actually Rebecca. I have this feeling that this is the season when we’re finally saying goodbye to Jack and Rebecca for good, so their children can get centre stage, while we would also retain the dual timeline structure by flashing forward to their children, like we’ve already seen with Adult Tess. But that’s just my guess. We still have a long way to go until we find out the actual truth, I’m afraid.

But let’s not rush so far into the future! Season 3 picks up a few months after Kate and Toby’s weding. The newlyweds are now actively trying for a baby by way of IVF treatment, which puts them at odds with Rebecca who would rather they not. It’s a risky process due to Kate’s weight and age, and Rebecca thinks they should try other ways to get that baby instead. Meanwhile, Kate is adamant on having a biological child because she wants to make sure Jack lives on in that way, and she doesn’t really have any faith in Kevin reproducing any time in the future. Kevin seems to agree but Randall takes her comments really hard, even though it’s clear that she only meant „passing on Dad” in a purely biological sense, which, you know… Randall really can’t do, no matter how much he loved Jack. It seems like we’re in for yet another round of „Randall doesn’t feel like he’s fitting in with his siblings”, folks! I really thought we were over that, but I guess not. Reinforcing Randall’s feelings of constantly being on the outside is this lady at his local rec center who knew his bio dad, and who makes it clear that she doesn’t appreciate Randall tyring to „fix their community”, even though he only meant to literally fix the building from falling apart. So now Randall doesn’t feel like he’s fitting in with William’s crew either. What will poor successful businessman with three loving daughters, an amazing wife, and two siblings who would do anything for him do now? Tune in next week to find out.

At least Kevin seems to be doing fine for now. He’s started seeing Cousin Zoe after the wedding, which makes Beth worried a lot, but here’s the surprise: she’s worried for Kevin, not because of him. Apparently Zoe has a bit of a troubled past when it comes to men, and Beth thinks Kevin is in for an inevitable heartbreak, which she would prefer he avoided because she actually cares about him a lot! These two had some issues in the past over Kevin’s drinking and its effect on Beth’s children, so it was super nice to see her admit that she actually loves Kevin, she just doesn’t want to damage her street cred by showing it. Classic Beth <3 Anyway, a Zoe-centric episode is in our future and I’m excited to learn more about her, but judging by that one flash forward, they’re gonna be fine.

Finer than poor Toby, anyway, who decided to stop taking his depression pills to further increase the chances of a pregnancy. Of course, you should never just quit any medication like that, especially if your illness is severe. I only have mild anxiety but when I accidentally don’t take my meds for as few as three or four days, I start waking up drenched in sweat and get hot flashes and shaking hands throughout the day. Naturally, Toby didn’t consult Kate about this genius decision because he knows she wouldn’t let him do it, and damn right she shouldn’t. Goddammit Toby just talk to your doctor about gradually lowering the dosage, won’t you? Ugh. Characters unnecessarily keeping secrets when talking to each other would fix everything is the absolute worst trope and I fucking can’t stand it.

PS. Don’t let my disparaging comments fool you – I adore Randall. I just wish he got a different storyline this season than the same old „trying to fit in” routine, you know? Especially since so many characters have it way worse than him, like Kate and Kevin last season, and Toby (probably) this season. Randall deserves to be happy and feel happy too, for once.

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