2018. október 5., péntek

Mayans M.C. 1x05 Uch/Opossum

It’s been a while since I checked in with the boys and girls of Santo Padre, but the truth is, not much has happened in the past four episodes that merited a full review. That’s not to say they were bad - if they were, I wouldn’t watch them every week (okay that’s not strictly true since I’m still watching One Dollar too, even though I feel like it’s going absolutely nowhere). It’s just that the storyline is still extremely simple and right now it’s being dragged out to the point of paper thinness, which means that there’s not much to say about it on a weekly basis. That said, the show did earn the fall’s first renewal out of all the new series, so I figured that’s a nice enough reason for me to check in and summarize where we’re standing right now.

The backbone of the show seems to be the ongoing conflict between the Galindo cartel and Los Olvidados, with Mayans MC smack sab in the middle of it. Ostensibly they’re working for the cartel, but some members are secretly helping the rebels, while our main man EZ is also an informant for the DEA. This much was clear from the beginning. What wasn’t so clear was how far exactly were both sides willing to go to bring their point across, but we didn’t have to wait too long for the first serious attack.

What really kicked off the action was the kidnapping of Miguel and Emily’s son, which I thought would be wrapped up in that very same episode but three weeks later he’s still missing, and right now I suggest he’ll remain missing for the remainder of the season. Naturally Galindo couldn’t take such a hit lying down so he retaliated almost instantly by leaving some burned corpses in the middle of the town, which prompted the rebels to do some murdering of their own as well, which resulted in Emily being almost trampled to death. It’s just a whole big mess of senseless violence but hey, you can’t expect these people to just talk about their problems! That would be unreasonable.

Naturally EZ is not neutral when it comes to Emily and since this is a TV show it’s quite clearly a question of when, not if, these two are gonna sleep together again. Obviously there’s some serious baggage when it comes to their shared past but Emily was quick to open it up when he confided in EZ about her fear that Cristóbal getting kidnapped is her cosmic punishment for getting what was basically an abortion out of spite all those years ago. This is clearly not an easy situation for either of them, and it’s made even harder by not only Galindo threatening EZ to never talk to his wife ever again OR ELSE, but also by EZ’s brother Angel telling him basically the same thing. And then there’s Agent Jimenez who would like the exact opposite, for EZ to turn Emily onto their side and make her an ally in bringing down Galindo. Realistically speaking, the second opiton would be more likely… but since the last episode ended with the Galindos slapping each other around a bit before having passionate angry sex (which was more disturbing than hot, whatever the writers’ intention was), I can see Emily standing by her husband’s side, no matter what. I mean she’s obviously going to cheat on him with EZ at least once, but I’m not sure she’s going to betray his cause outright.

The show also served up a fresh twist in the last episode when it was revealed that EZ and Angel’s dad used to be a DEA agent who’s been living under a fake name for all these years, which might be used against him later, or to drive a wedge between him and his sons. I’m not sure yet where they’re going with this storyline, if it can even be called that much.

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