2015. május 26., kedd

The Flash 1x20 The Trap

See, this is what happens when you concentrate on the bigger picture for two consecutive episodes instead of bringing in a few more one-off villains just for the sake of comicbook shout-outs: your show suddenly becomes super fun and enjoyable. Or at least that was the case with The Flash this week, and after watching these last two episodes I suddenly find myself very much excited for the finale. There’s three more episodes to go, so hopefully they don’t ruin this great momentum until then. 

Remember that cliffhanger from last week? It was pretty fucking incredible, wasn’t it? So thank heavens that the writers decided to the right thing and continue the story right where we left off, with Barry, Caitlin and Cisco still standing in front of that holographic article about the Flash’s disappearing, baffled by the fact that it says it was written in 2024. And the surprises weren’t over yet, as Caitlin pointed out the name of the journalist who wrote it: Iris West-Allen. This was followed by them accidentally activating Harrison’s AI, who quickly identified Barry as Director of Central City Police, CSI Division, also known as the Flash, founding member... and then she was cut off before she could have said ’Justice League’, I presume. Can they even say Justice League on this show, now that DC is developing a movie about it set in a different universe, with a different Flash? I guess it doesn’t really matter because Barry didn’t care about any of that, all he wanted to know was what Harrison Wells was up to, and more importantly, why did he kill Barry’s mom? Thank God Barry asked the right questions because I’ve been starving for some answers. Turns out, he killed Nora only because he was angry that Barry escaped, buuut he also wanted Barry to become the Flash? I might have to rewatch this episode to see if I’ve misunderstood something, because right now these seem like two very contradictory statements to me. If he was angry that Barry escaped, then that means that he wanted to kill him that night, but if he HAD killed him, Barry could never have become the Flash... or maybe he didn’t wan to kill him, just kidnap him so that he could make him the Flash way before it was supposed to happen? There wasn’t any more time to find out the details because Wells has already entered the building and was heading their way, so they had to get out of there quick and also make sure that the AI doesn’t tell Wells that they were there. This proved to be the easiest part as the AI apparently accepts Barry’s every command, because he created him. Wow. Now THAT’S something I would like to learn more about real soon.

Armed with all this new information, Team Flash decide to set a trap for Wells and somehow make him confess to killing Barry’s mom. This shouldn’t be too hard seeing as he’s already done it once, in that timeline that Barry erased so that no one but him remembers that it ever happened. He told everyone about his time travelling adventure which prompted Cisco to realize that his strange dreams about Wells killing him might actually be memories from that alternate reality. So to be able to devise the perfect plan, they have to access Cisco’s subconscious to learn everything about his encounter with Wells. They put him in a coma-like state from where he can communicate with them, and he manages to remember enough details so that they can recreate the circumstances. He also remembers that Harrison DID intend to kill Barry the night his mother died, so I can continue being confused about that. The plan involved getting Harrison down to the chamber where they have trapped the Reverse Flash, and make it so that he catches Cisco right as he pretends to just having figured out that what they trapped was actually a hologram. Cisco would stand in a kind of force-field all along that would prevent Harrison from getting to him while he manipulates him into confessing. My only question about this was, the force-field is designed to keep out speedsters, so would it be able to keep him out if he just simply walked over to him instead of using his superspeed? And to think that I almost got an answer to that! Almost.

Wells arrived right when he was supposed to but Cisco couldn’t get him to confess, as he just walked right up to him, raised his hand, and was shot dead by Joe before he could have confessed. Barry was understandably upset at having lost his only chance to prove his dad’s innocence, but then it turned out that they’ve all been outsmarted. Wells’ body turned into Everyman, the shapeshifter metahuman from the previous episode, and now I’ll forever wonder whether that was the reason he was able to cross the force-field, or I was right about the simply walking. In any case, the real Wells called in and told them that he knew all about their plan because he was monitoring their every move all along, which is kind of a cheap solution to all this but whatever, I’m so excited about everything finally being out in the open that I’m willing to roll with this.

In slightly related news, Eddie has decided to propose to Iris and also to ask Joe for his blessing, and was about as surprised as me when he didn’t give it. What the hell, Joe? Eddie later asked Barry to talk to Joe about this and he did, and Joe told him that he didn’t give his permission because he knows that Iris will get caught up in the moment and say yes, and then she’ll be trapped in a marriage that she doesn’t really want, because she has feelings for Barry. Again, what the hell, Joe? Even if that’s true, and he can’t know it for certain because Iris never actually talked to him about it, he can’t just decide who Iris loves more and can marry, what the fuck? Luckily this is the 21st century and Eddie didn’t actually give a flying fuck whether Joe agreed or not, he only asked him out of courtesy. So he took Iris out to propose to her and then did this really stupid thing where he made her decline Joe’s incoming phone call even though he knew that Harrison has been targeting Iris and that call can be important. And sure enough, Wells arrived and kidnapped Eddie. That’s what you get for ignoring imminent danger. But at least Iris wasn’t hurt becaue Barry arrived just in time, and as he ran off to save Eddie, Iris finally figured out the Flash’s identity. I couldn’t really squeeze this into anywhere earlier but we saw a flashback to when Barry was still in a come andy Iris was visiting her, talking to him about Detective Pretty Boy among other things. It was a very sweet scene and it turned out to be signiciant too because in the end Iris recognized Barry when their fingers touched and gave off the same spark they did back in the hospital. I think we can collectively agree that it was about freaking time that Iris learned the truth, and I can’t wait for the big confrontation about it that’s bound to come in the next episode.

Episode MVP: Grant Gustin as Barry Allen

Quotes of the episode:
"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up." – Joe West after they put Cisco in a coma

Random tidbits:
 - I spoke a bit about Iris figuring the Flash’s identity out, but I didn’t mention that she also realized the connection between the metahumans and the particle accelerator explosion. Naturally, she told this to Barry, and he just kept lying to her.

 - Speaking of finding things out, Wells told Eddie his real name and the fact that they’re related, which was cool but not really important yet in the grand scheme of things.

 - Both Joe and Wells had a flashback this week. Joe’s was about Wells offering to help Barry and him agreeing to it, for which he expressed his guilt later in the episode. Wells also referred to Barry as Joe’s son, which always makes me happy. As for Wells’ flashback, it was mainly about him talking to a comatose Barry about how much he hates him and is going to kill him eventually.

 - Halfway through the episode I started to wonder when exactly does Barry have time to do his real job. He’s definitely not fired yet but we never see him working on actual cases anymore.

 - Captain Singh telling Barry to never get married, and then Barry literally bumping into Irisa second later was pretty hilarious.

 - There was also a really pointless subplot about a fire that Barry had to stop, and I still don’t really understand it how but he managed to do it by running so fast as to create a vacuum that would suck all of the oxygen out of the room. And it worked, despite the fact that the windows were all shattered and there was plenty of oxygen coming from the outside... it was really stupid, but that whole sequence was there basically only to fill up time, so I won’t think about it too much.

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