2015. június 18., csütörtök

Arrow 3x21 Al Sah-Him

It’s been three weeks since Oliver gave up everything he loved to save Thea’s life by joining the League of Assassins. We don’t know much about how he spent those three weeks other than sleeping in a small room, being trained in combat by Ra’s al Ghul, and apparently being mind-controlled into forgetting who he used to be. His first true test of loyalty came in the form of a captured Diggle who supposedly snuck back in to rescue Oliver but who also insists that he was captured while trying to escape in the first place and has been held at Nanda Parbat all along. Whatever the truth is, it is up to Oliver to deal with him, and he orders the other men to give Dig a sword because he won’t kill an unarmed man. In the end he stabs and kills him only for it to turn out not to be Dig after all – Ra’s explains to Oliver that he was given a herb that made his conscious take over his mind. Now, I only have two small questions about all of this.

1. Shouldn’t it be sub-conscious, and not conscious?
2. Is Oliver pretending or have they really brainwashed him completely in only three weeks? I’m always wary about non-supernatural brainwashing in movies/TV because I think in reality they would only work under really, really extreme circumstances, and I have a hard time believing that repeating „Oliver Queen is dead” over and over again for three weeks would be enough to do the trick. Because that’s literally all we’ve been shown so far.

In any case, Ra’s seems to have complete faith that Oliver’s conversion has worked, and tells him that there is only one final thing he needs to do in order to truly become his heir: kill his rival, Nyssa, who also claims to be Heir to the Demon and thus has to be eliminated.

Meanwhile in Starling City, Laurel is being coached through fighting a mugger by Nyssa, then they decide to go out for mikshakes. The image of the two costumed superheroes discussing dinner plans was fantastic, and with every passing second my need for Nyssa to become a regular next season was growing stronger and stronger. I just really love her partnership with Laurel, and apparently Laurel loves it too, and that’s why she held out for so long on not telling Nyssa about Oliver becoming Ra’s’ new heir – because she saw how happy she was and didn’t want to ruin it. Awwww. Too bad she eventually decided to tell her about it over milkshakes, and Nyssa was understandably pretty upset, not only at the news itself but also at Laurel for keeping it from her. She also knows that this means that Oliver will come for her, and decides that she will not hide, but face him and fight for her rights. Laurel asks Dig and Felicity to help her protect Nyssa, but they are unwilling to do anything for the daughter of Ra’s, plus Felicity doesn’t even want to believe that Oliver would do such a thing, or that he could have been brainwashed. She shouts a lot about how Oliver would never change, and it’s all very annoying and ridiculous because would anyone just stand by Laurel’s side every once in a while? That would be really nice.

Oliver and Nyssa finally come face to face on the rooftop where Sara died, and he seems completely willing to kill her until Laurel and Dig appear, with Laurel using her Canary Cry for the very first time with impressive results, at which point he realizes that he’s outnumbered and jumps off the room, while Felicity watches the whole thing unfold on her computer screen. The also showed up at the new Team Arrow headquaretrs and found out about Oliver being back from Felicity, which she was so unwilling to believe that he went to Malcolm for reassurance, and then decided that she has to stop Oliver if no one else will.

Oliver decides to up the stakes by kidnapping Lyla and demanding Nyssa in exchange, which makes Dig really angry and causes him to shout at Laurel and Nyssa, demanding that she hand over herself, which Nyssa agrees to, much to Laurel’s annoyance. She tells Dig that if this happens, "Oliver won't be the only one to have lost his soul.", and I was about ready to give her a standing ovation. Laurel is the best, seriously. In the end Nyssa wins out and everyone collectively goes to face Oliver. Felicity tries to talk him back into being himself, but his only response is to order his men to bind Nyssa. Lyla runs to the others and finds two guns in Felicity’s coat while hugging her, and I guess this was what they planned all along. Lyla shoots two of Oliver’s men and a small fight ensues, during which Nyssa is dragged away and Oliver stabs Dig for real – in fact, he’s about to kill him when Thea shows up, shoots him with an arrow and tells him to get away from him or the next one will go into his head. Oliver walks away and team meet back at HQ, where Dig announces the obvious: Oliver is really gone, so it’s only them now.

Back at Nanda Parbat, Oliver delivers Nyssa to Ra’s. He asks for her weapons and takes something out of her sword’s hilt. Oliver is about to kill her but Ra’s grabs his arm, says that Oliver’s reign is no longer threatened because Nyssa is already broken (I highly doubt that but whatever you say, dude), and instead of killing her, Oliver should marry her instead ro unite their bloodlines. Wow, I bet no one saw THAT coming! I certainly didn’t. So now that Oliver no longer has a rival to murder, Ra’s gives him a new assignment: he shows him the bioweapong that Nyssa had stolen and hidden in her sword, and tells him to unleash it on Starling City. Why? Who knows, but at least we finally know where those seemingly pointless flashbacks were heading all along: this is the same weapon that Oliver attempted to steal back in Hong Kong, but ended up breaking one of the vials instead. It kinda pisses me off that we had to sit through a whole season of boring ass flashbacks all because of this, but yeah... at least this should set up the final confrontation between Oliver and Ra’s nicely.

Episode MVP: Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance

Quote of the episode:
"I will not cower in the shadows waiting for death." – Nyssa al Ghul

Random tidbits:
 - There was a new narration at the beginning of the episode, starting with „My name was Oliver Queen”, which was a nice touch. I still hope they’ll finally get rid of the opening narration in the next season, though.

 - This week’s flashbacks were all about the consequences of Oliver accidentally releasing the bioweapon: people were dying all over the place, and others were pretending to give uninfected people a cure while giving them the actual virus instead. Oliver and company eventually blew up the truck with the virus in it, went back to find Akio, and were just about to leave Hong Kong when Tatsu realized that Akio was infected too. So I guess that’s how he’s gonna die, huh. Poor baby.

 - Ra’s told Oliver about his old friend that he was supposed to kill in order to become the next heir, but instead let said friend escape. What’s more, apparently Oliver indirectly knows him too: he tried to purchase the earthquake generator back in season one, as well as doing other bad stuff that were not elaborated on. But when Ra’s said "Damien continues the League's ways but through his own organization, filled with a hive of agents devoted to his own agenda."... well, that’s it then: the Big Bad for next season. We already heard about HIVE from Deadshot: they were the ones who wanted Dig’s brother dead. I guess this means that Dig will finally get a proper storyline next season, investigating Andy’s death, which is something we’ve been waiting for for years, and I’m completely on board with it!

 - There were lots of nice little moments between certain characters in this episode: Felicity and Thea having dinner at Dig’s place and feeding Baby Sara, Dig and Felicity talking about Oliver and hugging, Felicity visiting Thea and them discussing how much they both love Oliver still... wonderful stuff.

 - I don’t know why I find Thea calling Dig ’Mr. Diggle’ so adorable, but I do.

 - Laurel eating a milkshake alone at the end of the episode was heartbreaking. So was seeing that Dig has a picture of him and Oliver on his wedding night displayed in his apartment.

 - Felicity told Thea that Roy was still alive, and gave him his address/phone number/new identity/whatever, so I guess we’re going to see Roy again sooner than we thought.

 - Felicity also told Dig that they’re gonna have to come up with a new „identity concealment” for him if he keeps going out in the field, and  I can’t wait what kind of costume he’s gonna wear.

 - About halfway through the episode I started to wish that everyonw would stop saying ’Heir to the Demon’ every two minutes... it just sounds so ridiculous.

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