2018. november 8., csütörtök

The Walking Dead 9x05 What Comes After

Well that was… an episode. I’m not sure what I expected since it’s been known for a while that it would be a kind of flashback/hallucination episode leading up to Rick’s departure, but was it wrong of me to want a little more out of it? Not more action, necessarily… in fact, I’m kinda loving how lowkey and subdued this season has been so far. It’s been nine years, I don’t crave outrageously gory zombie slaughter every second episode anymore. I like heartfelt conversations and small but meaningful character moments just as much. So was that the problem? That Rick spent his last remaining moments on the show conversing with dead people, instead of getting some closure with his loved ones? Nope. For me, the problem lies in the very fact that this was Rick’s last episode, or more accurately, the fact that I knew this was his last episode. How am I expected to enjoy anything about it when I know that whatever happens, by the end of it Rick will be gone? I guess I could say props to everyone involved for still managing to make it somewhat suspenseful, but that’s hardly consoling. Like, can you imagine the absolute gut-punch this episode could have been if they had kept Rick’s exit a secret? I know I complained about this before but it’s something that’s on my mind a lot, and not just regarding TWD. Generally, I would prefer never to know when an actor is about to leave a show. I want to be surprised and outraged, dammit, not just mildly sad when it finally happens after half a year of knowing it would.

But enough about me and my stupid feelings, what was up with Rick? His situation looked pretty damn bleak after he ended the last episode with getting impaled on a piece of metal, right in the way of an advancing zombie horde. I expected Daryl to come back for him and take him home to Michonne, where he could die peacefully in her arms, because I’m ever the optimist. Instead, Rick managed to free himself, get on his horse, and begin his long way back to camp, accompanied by long-dead friends and the occasional full-blown imaginary rescue group. It was weird seeing Shane after all these years, and being reminded that he might be Judith’s biological father, something I completely forgot about. Nothing could top Hershel’s appearance, though, since for me his was always the most painful death out of anyone on the show (until Abraham and Glenn, maybe), and knowing that Scott Wilson also died just a few weeks ago, it was that much more heartbreaking. He was such a cool old man, and I miss him a lot.

By the time Rick dragged himself to the other side of the bridge, the real rescue mission arrived, but at that point he didn’t feel like taking any chances anymore. Spying some scattered dynamite a few feet away, he blew up the bridge while still standing on it, making it impossible for the horde to cross and therefore saving everyone else, while heroically dying in the process. Or, you know, that’s what was supposed to happen. Instead, Anne found his still breathing body downstream and immediately called for a lift with her secret helicopter buddies, so Rick’s last episode actually ended with him waking up in the sky and being reassured by Anne that he’s going to recover and everything will be okay. But will it, really? As far as Michonne, Judith, and everyone else knows, Rick Grimes is dead, unless they actually went searching for his body and realized that it was nowhere to be found, in which case, would they just give up on him? Never. Also, should we just collectively ignore the fact that it’s probably impossible to miss a helicopter descending from the sky and taking two people with it in such a small area? If the writers wanted to take the only sensible route, Father Gabriel would tell everyone about Anne’s trading people via helicopter side business, after which, realizing that she is also mysteriously gone, everyone would come to the logical conclusion that Rick is alive, out there somewhere, but probably unable to come home for some reason.

Speaking of which, we will find out eventually what becomes of Rick after his helicopter adventure, since it’s been announced that Andrew Lincoln and his character will both be back in a number of TV movies, the first of which begins shooting next year. If you were completely stumped after reading this piece of news, because what the hell was even the point of him leaving the show if he’s just gonna keep being Rick anyway, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It seems likely that he only wanted to leave because he missed his England-based family, which is perfectly understandable, but he wouldn’t mind reprising his role in a less time-consuming fashion, maybe even on a shooting location that would be closer to his home. People are already theorizing that the helicopter’s destination is actually somewhere in Europe, which would allow us to finally find out what happened to the rest of the world in the wake of the (American) zombie apocalypse, and I, for one, am thrilled about that idea. So now we’ll just have to sit tight and wait for further news to come out.

As for the rest of the survivors, this now leaves us with the problem of Maggie’s exit, since the helicopter is no longer available as a possible way to write her off the show. I’m still hoping it could be done without her dying, but it seems unlikely that we would see something similar so soon after the trick they pulled with Rick. At this point I honestly have no idea how that particular departure is going to go down, the only thing I know for sure is that I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT WEEKS BEFORE. We probably will, though. That’s just how it is. But for now, let’s see what happens next week, when we check back with the group six years later. Did they rebuild the bridge, or is everyone living in one unified community now? Are Carol and Ezekiel married? Negan still in prison? Those are at least questions that are easy to answer.

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