2015. május 3., vasárnap

Once Upon a Time 4x20 Lily

I don’t think that, in my history as a TV-watcher, there ever was another episode that so perfectly embodied the phrase ’mixed feelings’ as this one. On one hand, the flashbacks were wonderful, which is always a big plus when a show is so heavily relying on them as OUAT does. But on the other hand, the present day storyline was nothing but a long series of eyerolling, „what the fuck?” lines, and frustration, topped off with the biggest ever „OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT?????” moment that I’ve ever experienced watching this show. Which I’m not entirely sure IS a bad thing, I mean, that kind of burst of emotion is pretty freaking rare for me in this age of behind the scenes spoilers and predictable plot twists, so I really am impressed that the writers managed to pull off something that I don’t think anyone expected... and basically this is what I meant by mixed feelings. Honestly, I’m not even sure how I feel about this episode anymore. It was miles ahead of pretty much everything in this halfseason, but much worse than the previous, wonderfully twisted episode... so yeah. Mixed. Let’s dissect it a little bit, shall we?

The episode started with a flashback to the Apprentice paying a visit to the Sorcerer (I guess? It was basically just a voice speaking from a cauldron of smoke, but who else could it have been), telling him about the Author’s wrongdoings, and delivering the first WTF-worthy line of the episode – about twenty seconds in, which must be some kind of record: "The Saviour... he made me channel her potential for darkness into Maleficent's child." Oookay. So basically, if we’re to believe that that channeling ritual was, in fact, real, and not just something the Author came up with, then wouldn’t this mean that Emma no longer has a potential for darkness? Not even a little one. And if that’s the case, what the hell is even Rumple trying to achieve, turning Emma dark and everything, if it’s virtually impossible to do that? He’s supposed to see the future and know these things. But then again, Emma has to have a potential for darkness because as little a crime thievery is compared to some of the other shit happening on this show, it’s still a crime, and I’m not sure a 100% percent darkness-free person could physically commit a crime, not even a little one like that... how does this „potential for darkness” works anyway? Because I’m pretty sure every single human being on earth has it, and if Emma doesn’t, does that mean that she’s technically not even human anymore, but something supernaturally pure instead? Or is it possible that I’m thinking WAY too much about this... definitely more than the effort it took for the writers to come up with this storyline, I would say.

Next stop was in Granny’s Diner, where the Charming family (and Regina... sorry, still not including her in that phrase) were discussing their next move against Rumple, when Maleficent interrupted by walking in and asking Emma to find her daughter, Lilth. Naturally, Emma immediately knew who that has to be, muttered „No way”, then ran off to make sure she was right. Regina eventually went after her and rudely interrupted Emma’s reminiscing about her childhood friend, Lily. That moment reminded me a lot of the one earlier in the season, when Snow was watching a video of teenage Emma, completely enamored by seeing her baby daughter for the very first time, and Regina interrupting her in a similar way, not giving a shit that it was primarily HER fault that Emma grew up without her family. And in typical OUAT fashion, no one said a word about it or told her to shut the fuck up, because people on this show only remember the events of the first two seasons whenever it is convenient for the plot. Sigh. Anyway, Emma was devastated about this latest turn of events, and how could anyone’s heart not break when she whispered "So the only friend I ever had wasn't even my friend by choice." Poor baby, after this episode I want to hug her more than I ever have. Then Regina started talking about redemption which, haha, okay, I’m not even going to comment on that. I WILL, however, comment on the next two WTF lines of the episode:
  1. "Our actions are our own but fate pushes us." Oh really? That’s interesting. Could it be that you only say that because all through this season the writers have tried really, really hard to sell the point that since the Author used to have the power to alter the stories, then that means that whatever free will these characters had before he was caught was very, very limited, and basically all the horrible things they did were actually only partly their faults? Fate my ass.  

  2. "You have to find this girl to redeem your parents.” First of all, Emma doesn’t HAVE to do anything, and she certainly doesn’t have to do it INSTEAD of her parents. They screwed up, they should be the ones to fix it. And second, „redeem”, seriously? So it is now Snow White and Prince Freaking Charming whose redemptions we should be worrying about? How about you try to redeem your freaking VILLAINS first, show. Okay, okay, deep breath... I know I’m nitpicking here. But seriously, this season can’t be over soon enough, because I’m way over my tolerance level when it comes to this storyline. And yes, this IS my favourite show in all the universe... sad that it has come to this, isn’t it.
After her best attempt at a pep-talk, Regina admitted that she actually needs Emma to go look for Lily because then they can go and look for Robin too, because she knows she wouldn’t fare well alone. You didn’t really think she would try to cheer up and reassure Emma without having her own reasons behind it, did you?

It was very painful to watch Emma not saying goodbye to her parents as she prepared to take off, but at least I had that incredibly sweet and adorable Captain Swan scene to comfort myself with.

"Be careful, Swan. As someone who started on the side of good, and went dark, take my advice. Vengeance is tempting, but darkness always is. Resist it. "
"Why couldn't you?"
"I didn't have anything to live for. You have your parents, Henry..."
"Aye, me. And I you. That's what's kept my on my path now. Use whatever it takes to stay on yours."

Not gonna lie, I was getting steadily more frustrated by the lack of Captain Swan scenes in the last couple episodes, but now I kinda feel like this scene alone was worth the wait. It basically summed up everything that makes their relationship perfect, and Killian’s beautiful smile when he said „aye, me” is what rainbows and puppies and baby unicorns are made out of. Yes, I am completely and irrevocably in love with Captain Swan and everything they stand for, how did you guess?

The first place Emma and Regina tried to look for Lily was in her old apartment building, where they ran into this dude who told them that she had died and then said some truly nasty things about her, for which Emma proceeded to beat him up so hard that Regina could hardly stop her. It was at this point that I started to feel that they’re deliberately overplaying the way Emma’s darkness is apparently taking her over, because it really didn’t make any sense for her to get that angry at that guy for badmouthing the friend that she thought she had lost more than a decade ago, and even back then barely knew.

Eventually it turned out that Lily was still alive after all (surprise, surprise), but she didn’t seem all that happy about being reunited with Emma, and promptly lied to her about having a great life with a husband and daughter just so that she would stop pestering her with all this talk about fate and darkness and being cosmically connected. Fortunately, Emma’s superpower/built-in lie detector is still working just fine when it really has to, and she decided to investigate Lily’s current apartment anyway. It quickly became apparent that Lily might believe in destiny a lot more than she lets on, as one of her walls was covered with information about Storybrooke and pictures of some of its residents, with Snow and Charming’s faces being circled by a red sharpie. Everyone who watches Revenge knows what this means: Lily was out for BLOOD. Also, she stole Emma’s car, but luckily she wasn’t the only around who knew how to do that. Emma and Regina raced after her and caught her while still outside Storybrooke, where magic is useless but guns work just fine, as Emma was all too ready to illustrate it on Lily. That’s what you get for trying to hurt the Saviour’s family! Then we had one of the more ridiculous scenes of the episode when Regina tried to talk Emma out of murder by saying shit like "The journey back isn't easy. Trust me, I know." WTF line nr. 4, because from where I sit, it was pretty damn easy for Regina to make that journey back. All she had to do was help out a couple times and cry a lot, and everyone in Storybrooke magically forgotten that they were literally cursed out of their happy endings for 28 freaking years because of her, among other things. I did promise myself that I would try to dial back my Regina-hate as much as possible so that I don’t scare away potential readers, but it’s so hard, man. Anyway, Emma took her advice and didn’t murder Lily, thank God. Instead they all went together to rescue a completely clueless Robin from the clutches of Zelena, and that’s when it was revealed that it’s not going to be so easy for him to leave his fake wife and go back to Regina, because... drumroll... she’s pregnant! Hahahahahaha oh boy, I was literally whooping when I heard this. What a twist! I don’t even know if I seriously like it or if I’m just being a sarcastic asshole, but one thing I do know: I was unfairly mad at the writers for making it too easy for Outlaw Queen. Provided that Zelena is not just fucking around and she really is pregnant, it will be incredibly interesting to see how this is gonna play into Regina and Robin’s happily ever after. Ah man... I can’t wait to see how this one plays out, with only three episodes left of the season.

There were two other, smaller plotlines in the episode that I wanted to talk about real quick. The first one is obviously the flashbacks to Emma’s past, when the arrival of Lily completely screwed up her life, just as she was about to embark on her very first family vacation. How can you NOT want to tear you heart out and make the writers eat it after that? Anyway, from the moment that Lily showed up I was suspecting that she was just trying to fuck Emma over, and in a way I was right, but not in the way I expected to be. Because the promo for this episode had branded her Emma’s mortal enemy, I thought she already knew the truth about their lineage at this point and somehow wanted to use it against her. It turned out that she didn’t, and all she really wanted was some money so that they can escape their respective families and live on the road together, or something like that. Emma wasn’t so keen on this idea because she actually wanted to stay with her foster family, and basically told Lily to get lost and fend for her own, even after Lily begged her to help her out. Not that I blame Emma in any way, because the way Lily was going about things was seriously fucked up... although, and I found this kinda weird, Emma wasn’t technically kicked out of her foster home. She stormed out by herself when the parents didn’t include her in their speech about „our children”, and they even called after her to stay... so who knows, maybe they would have gotten over Emma’s lying about how she knew Lily over time, which would mean that Emma actually depraved herself of a chance to stay a part of their family... but this is too sad to think about so let’s just say they would have kicked her out anyway. This storyline ended with Emma leaving Lily, and Lily getting on a bus by herself, where she just happened to meet the Apprentice by chance, and this is the story of how she knew everything about her parentage, and Emma’s role in her „destiny”. While we’re at it, let’s not forget WTF line nr. 5: "You are not as responsible for your own misery as you would believe.” Bla bla bla, your fate is already written, nothing’s your fault, bla bla bla.

And finally, there was Rumple’s quest to get back Belle’s heart from Regina’s office, which is probably the most fucked up thing that happened in this episode... not the getting it back part, but the fact that Regina still had it in the first place. After I had grinded my teeth all the way through that terrible scene last week where she threatened to crush Belle’s heart if Rumple dared to make a move while she was out of town, I just thought it was the most obvious thing ever that she went and immediately returned the heart after. After all, she didn’t really plan to crush it, it was just a ruse, so why keep it? Wasn’t the whole point that Rumple has to think that you have it? So you can probably understand my bewilderment when it was revealed that Regina did indeed keep Belle’s heart in the usual little box in her office. What a fucking joke. Redeemed villain my ass. But at least she doesn’t have it any longer, as Rumple enlisted Will Scarlet’s help in getting it back. I’m still not sure how I feel about the Will/Belle relationship, I mean we literally have no background on them and will we ever find out what happened to Will’s True Love, Anastasia? But even Rumple admits that Will is a better man for Belle than he could ever be, so for the time being I have no problem with them being together. I do have a HUGE problem with this line from Rumple though, which we might even name the biggest WTF of them all: "My heart is nearly black, and if I continue hurting you, then there's no hope for me." Why, because you WOULD happily continue hurting her if it wasn’t for your decaying heart? What are you even trying to say??? Rumple has always been one of my favourite characters, partly thanks to his unapologetic evilness, but fuck me, even I have my limits.

Episode MVP: Abby Ross as Young Emma. This was not the first time she has portrayed the teenage version of Emma and hopefully it won’t be the last either, because she’s always wonderful. And can I just say how happy I am that after four seasons we’re finally getting to see Emma’s life before Storybrooke, or at least some of it? Because I am.

Quote of the episode:

Capitalized not because Emma was shouting it, but because FUCKING THANK YOU. I couldn’t ever put it into words, but I have a huge problem with the way the characters keep classifying themselves and each other as ’heroes’ and ’villains’, which as far I remember is something that wasn’t prevalent before season 4, but now it is literally all they talk about all the time. Which basically goes against one of the biggest reasons why people love this show in the first place, namely that no matter how many fantastical adventures these characters get into, they always behave like real, actual human beings, people you can understand and relate to, and not like clichéd, one-dimensional fairytale characters. Emma Swan giving voice to my own annoyance was, not gonna lie, the highlight of the season for me.

Random tidbits:
 - The scene with the Author at Cruella’s grave was really sweet, but I didn’t really know what to make of Emma’s appearance there. Jennifer Morrison does a fantastic job portraying „Dark Emma”, and she looked absolutely wicked in that scene, but it felt a little bit out of place for me.

 - All throughout the episode I kept getting annoyed at Regina calling Emma ’Swan’. I made a note of it twice, first I wrote DON'T CALL HER SWAN when she was trying to get Emma to go and find Lily, and then later STOP CALLING HER SWAN when she was trying to talk her out of shooting Lily. It probably shouldn’t bother me this much but calling her ’Swan’ was always Killian’s thing, before this episode he was literally the only one who did so. ’Emma’ and ’Miss Swan’ worked just fine for Regina for almost four seasons, why this abrupt change now?

 - I’m not about to get into any shipping wars and I’m always iffy about people accusing the writers of fanservice, because so many of those times is actually just two characters interacting with each other in a completely logical way and the fans blowing it out of proportion... but lately I’ve been noticing it more and more whenever Emma and Regina share a scene, and I do wonder whether Regina saying „I need you” and Emma saying „Tell me, your Majesty” in this episode was really necessary...

 - Lily’s boyfriend was briefly mentioned in the flashbacks but never shown, and rule of TV says that whenever a character is mentioned but not shown, they WILL turn up eventually. I wonder if that’s the case here, and whether this mystery boyfriend will be in any way important later.

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